Manufacturing Division

The persistent shortage of foreign exchange to facilitate imports was an influential factor in the decision to expand our operations into the manufacturing sector. Since our acquisition of Imanex Limited in 2003, HADCO Group has been involved in the manufacturing of a popular brand of local ice cream cones called “Happy Time.” The company has since expanded its product line from its initial staple of wafer cones to sugar and waffle cones which are all sold locally and regionally.

These cones complement our range of ice-cream flavours from Creamery Novelties Limited, which was established in 2018 to produce our very own exceptional brand of ice-cream and frozen novelty items. Creamery Novelties offers affordable ice-cream tubs and novelties in a wide variety of flavours to customers both locally and regionally.

Our Companies

Caribbean LED Lighting Inc.

Creamery Novelties

Happy Time
(Imanex Limited)

Our Products